Securecorp News

Safe City Camera Program - Securecorp receives award

Securecorp was delighted to attend an award presentation facilitated by Lord Mayor, Sally Capp and Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police, Shane Patton.

The City of Melbourne’s security team was presented with an Award for their Safe City Camera Program recognising the exceptional work that is undertaken on a daily basis within the CCTV monitoring team and the close working partnership that they have with Victoria Police. Securecorp has been partnering with the City of Melbourne for many years and appreciated the words expressed by the Chief Commissioner Shane Patton, the Lord Mayor Sally Capp, Bill Horman (Chair Audit Committee) and Dean Robertson, Director City Safety, Security and Amenity.

We are honoured to be in partnership with the City of Melbourne and look forward to working together for many more years to come.

Securecorp Team with receiving an awardSecurecorp Team with Safe City AwardSafe City Car

#cityofmelbourne #safecity #safety #teamwork #award #safecityprogram

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